Friday, 31 July 2009

Well, what a nice surprise..

I wasn't intending to weigh in, but was at friend's house last night & the scales was calling me..

Well, bearing in mind, that I last weighed in on the 8th July after a week off the diet & weighed 17 stone 5lbs.

I am now 16 stone 10.5lbs, so a loss of 8.5 lbs which I am really pleased with..

So am keeping it up & seeing what the next 3 weeks brings :D

Monday, 27 July 2009

Subway :D

Walked into a subway in the city centre after work, to get something for my dinner & the manager saw my uniform.. I got a foot long meal deal for £4.49p, which is a bonus.  And  I got a privilege card, so as long as I go in my uniform then I get this discount.

I knew why there was a reason I enjoy being a nurse hee hee x

I always like subway, as for 10 points I can have a foot long chicken breast, lettuce & light mayonnaise on Honey Oat, & it fills me up until tea time.. Also, having 30 points a day gives me some freedom to enjoy it & not think about it.

Weightwatchers is going well, & when in work I have a structure now so it helps with the diet; & I plan much better now.
Am looking forward to weighing in mid august & seeing how much I have lost.. Am resisting sneaky peeking!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Absence makes the memory go funny :D

Dear blogging fellows

I am writing this letter to say with deepest regret, how sorry I am for not blogging in what seems aeons ago.. Sometime in the far far distance I posted something to which my memory is a little hazy, but now am back.

The reason for this absence is that I started work 2 weeks ago after a long period of unemployment, I am so glad I now have a job & finding it fun, frisky & frolicky, not to mention fundamental, fantastic & something else beginning with f.. I feel great & my diet is going wonderfully well. 

Furthermore can I apologise for the accidental alliteration which persistently pops up unintentionally in this brilliant blog..  It is with saddened surprise that the actual alliteration is caused by magical me to alleviate anxieties about my death defying disappearance.

I have to considerably confess that I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks now as I have been working shifts which means I can't get to meetings, however I am still pointing & tracking, & am throughly enjoying the diet in question.

I hope to get to a meeting after pay day so that I can do monthly pass (okay, so that isn't until 18th August), but I have to admit, not having to weigh in each week is less stress & am finding it easier to just chill out & enjoy weight watchers, rather than having to stress each week about how much i have to lose.

Where I am working there is 3 floors & being a nurse I have to keep on the go, which helps with my fitness.. I am finding it easier to get about now I have lost some weight & in all, the job is helping my weight loss.

My apologies for the disturbing delay in blogging & also, this long letter.

I hope I find you all well & that this letter finds you all in superb spirits x


P.S. I am using ScribeFire (Firefox Add-On) to write this blog as it means I can do it from my FireFox browser rather than having to go on blogger :D