Sunday, 18 January 2009


I just acquired the book, 'Nutrition for Dummies', as i want to read more on the topic (again, it's the nurse in me).. But I find it interesting how the action of foods on your body & also in moods & reactions affect you.

It should be interesting, it is 409 pages long so I have some time to get through it, but am not going anywhere soon. & besides, if it helps me get a greater understanding into this diet then it's worth it..

Speaking of the diet, I am doing great on it.. I am not snacking & am feeling comfortable between meal times.. My friend offered me a shortbread biscuit & I turned it down, which is remarkable for me, so that is a milestone. My friends are realising not to offer me the junk stuff as they can see I am dedicated on this diet now.. Plus they are seeing a change in me, & not just weight wise either; I am becoming more confident again.

Oh & I can button up a pair of 3/4 length pants I have that I couldn't do before, which is a good sign. I can fit into some of my hooded tops also, so am going in the right direction.

I had a Marks & Spencers Count On Us Lamb Casserole (4 points) yesterday for my tea, it was gorgeous!! Also, they have started pointing those meals, but it isn't endorsed by Weightwatchers, however the points are accurate, which is handy. It means I now have more options of what to eat when at my friends. I also bought some tiny tangerines which were lovely & sweet.. as a treat.

We shall now see if I have lost owt on wednesday, but for now I feel better for being on this diet & am now in the 'zone' (as it were) where I can do this diet without a hitch..

The only hitch, however, is myself.


  1. It's nice when your friends don't try to sabotage your diet :) Sounds like you have a great plan! You don't know how much i miss marks and sparks! I was born and raised in bournemouth :)

  2. They deliver you know? lol

    Bournemouth is lovely..x
