Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Oh well..

I gained half a pound.. Might have been the scales, as it was showing I had stayed the same.. the skipped up. Interesting, how I blame the scales & not myself.

Am not fussed though, I know where I went wrong, so am fully aware. it's just one of those things I guess, & I am happy that it was half a pound, could have been far worse.

So have been good today, had a good 6 mile walk & a nice stir fry.. treated myself to some guiness & am now happy.

Also, whilst at the the meeting, my leader asked me to do 'crowd control', basically one of the regular staff had to go home so I filled in & controlled the members, I felt like security.. Though with about 40 hungry women I don't think I could have controlled them.

The best part is she wants me to do it for her every wednesday afternoon, so i get free weigh ins, which is nice.

So am happy that I have some incentive & also, I get free meetings.. Also, I do not mind that I put on.

What a fab day x

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're aren't upset over you're gain,half a lb is nothing and I'm sure you'll get it off plus more this week! And pmsl because I always blame the scales too! hehe
